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Alberta Wildfires 2019: Portable fine particulate matter monitoring data


As of March 2019, the Alberta wildfire season is underway and active wildfires are causing poor air quality and reducing visibility across the province. One of the major components of smoke with a risk to human health is fine particulate matter (PM2.5). PM2.5 is made up of very small particles, with a size of 2.5 micrometers or smaller.  PM2.5 can be inhaled into the lungs and may cause health concerns.

In response to these wildfires, AEP has deployed portable air quality monitor in areas not covered by long term air monitoring stations. Beta-attenuation Particulate Monitors (EBAM) are used to monitor and report one hour average concentrations of PM2.5 as a measure of the amount of smoke in air. As the wildfire season progresses, data from the portable fine particulate monitors may be provided from different localities around Alberta, depending on emergency response requirements.

A map of monitoring locations is provided here.  Daily graphs and a link to the monitoring locations map are provided below. 


Posted Date: May 28, 2019 Source:
Alberta Environment and Parks
Date Range: May 27, 2019 - Present Location:   Alberta


Usage Considerations

In an effort to have timely communication, data have only undergone preliminary quality control and assurance.  Data integrity and validity may be affected by instrument malfunctions, connection problems and/or power failures. Data confirmed to be invalid for the above reasons are removed from the figures generated. 

The latest status and details on all alerts can be found here:

For real time data from long term air monitoring stations please visit

Additional information may also be obtained from